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The Quest HD system is ideal for EMG and HD EMG applications, utilizing a variety of electrode and dedicated Front Ends, the Quest HD allows for true high density recordings up to 512 channels, with 24-bit resolution and sampling rate of 7.5 ksps for the highest quality data. The Quest HD hardware is optimized for high quality data acquisition and real time streaming. Dedicated EMG front ends ensure maximum signal quality while taking full advantage of the Quest HD processor. Additionally, a fully featured Analog and Digital input and output module ensures maximum flexibility for triggers and interfacing other devices.
The Quest HD maximize mobility by utilizing wireless data transmission, and internal data storage as well as an integrated battery to eliminate being tethered to an outlet and remove the possibility of grounding issues. At merely 700 grams, Quest HD offers true mobility and untethered data acquisition with wireless data transmission, internal data storage, and an integrated battery for up to 512 channels. With on-board processing, and a bevy of trigger inputs and outputs, the Quest HD can be programmed for your unique paradigms with real-time syncing of external devices experimental control software.
- Support from 32 to 512 channels
- EMG, EEG, EKG and more
- Analog and Digital IO
- Python code on box support
- Internal HDD, wired or wireless data acquisition
- Battery operated
- Matlab and Python APIs
- LSL support for BCI applications

Researchers are able to study novel feedback
applications, and the control of external
devices using neural activity.
Active Front Ends
Neuromed’s unique active Front End design results in unparalleled signal fidelity – a key requirement for many single trial BCI applications.
Real-time, closed-loop control
Well documented MATLAB and Python APIs for real-time feedback and control. Custom stimulation paradigms can be programmed and initiated with unique and varied triggers.
Wearable system
At merely 700 grams, the Quest provides a light weight and portable form factor, only enhanced by internal battery and Wifi capabilities. The Quest can be belt worn or placed in a backpack for optimal experimental freedom.